
Showing posts from December, 2020

All the Female Rappers Who Dominated 2020

  There is an abundance of female rappers, each with their own unique style, sound, and subject matter, who have made 2020 a notable year for women in rap. Hit songs, debut albums and mixtapes, popular TikTok challenges, creative music videos, and outstanding live performances from a number of them, helped document the successful year it has been. As 2020 comes to an end, it would be a true disservice to these women, to not mention their achievements and successes, both individual and collaborative. These successes should be highlighted and acknowledged because for the first time in a long time multiple women are dominating in hip hop which has been a predominantly male genre since its inception.  Hip hop is also a genre that is constantly expanding and creating subgenres, those include socially conscious rap or “woke rap,” gangsta rap, and more popular these days mumble rap, and drill. It is important to understand that female rappers are not a subgenre themselves, as not all female r