
Showing posts from March, 2020

A Heavenly Meeting With my Angelic Grandmother

     I met my grandmother for the first time last year. More specifically, I met my paternal grandmother for the first time on October 9th, 2019. You must understand the significance of this because my grandmother Barbara Hall Cherry, has been dead for as long as I’ve been alive. A little more than that, actually. In fact, Barbara Hall Cherry passed on April 30, 1996 exactly 6 months before I was born. She’s who I was named after.       Today is her birthday so it’s only right that I share my feelings, thoughts, and love that I have for her. Not only that but the story of how we met for the first time.      One of my favorite stories about my grandmother is a story my mom tells usually on my birthday. She said they were visiting Barbara while she was hospitalized for pneumonia and she kicked my mother out the room, telling her to “get that baby out of here.” Before my mother even knew she was pregnant with me. I was always amazed at the story because how could she have known