
Showing posts from January, 2019

Don’t Talk to Me Today

       As of late, my favorite phrase to say whether it be in a serious manner or in a playful way is, “Let me tell you something…” it is usually proceeded by a funny joke or anything that i feel needs to be said. The phrase comes as a natural line when having a conversation with someone to inform them of what you want to say. There is a video somewhere on Beyoncé’s Internet, of a young man wearing a fake mustache, running into the camera and pointing saying, “Let me tell you something.”         Well I come not running towards a camera but writing this, saying this to whomever may be reading, “Let me tell you something…” followed by the title of this post, “don’t talk to me today.” Don’t talk to me unless you have something useful to say. Unless you have something meaningful to say. Unless you have something to contribute to today’s conversation. That conversation, is the conversation about how it feels to be alive in this political climate. What today's political climate perpet